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আগ্নেয় Meaning in English

/adjective/ Ligneous ; volcanic ; fiery ; bright.

আগ্নেয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


producing fire; fiery; igneous.

আগ্নেয়গিরি (noun) a volcano.

আগ্নেয়দ্বীপ (noun) volcanic island.

আগ্নেয়শিলা (noun) igneous rock.

আগ্নেয়াস্ত্র (noun) fire-arms.

আগ্নেয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

die Lorbeerform Based upon the duration of life and the height of the ligneous stem: 1.

It has also been speculated that ligneous conjunctivitis may be a manifestation of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD).

Its liana is 35 metres (115 ft) tall from a ligneous rhizome approximately 810 millimetres (32 in) thick.

Perennial, 50–100 cm, ligneous at base, completely viscousglandular.

117 accessions representing 3,924 taxa; with particular emphasis on the ligneous species of North America and eastern Asia.

, Hortus lignosus londinensis: or, A catalogue of all the ligneous plants, indigenous and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, cultivated in the.

in the manufacture of dextrine, sugar and the like, from cellulose and ligneous materials" on November 4, 1880, and US 374618  "Obtaining ammonia from.

The Rangoon creeper is a ligneous vine that can reach from 2.

Of these: 42% is pulp 53% is ligneous endocarp 5% is seed It is native to Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Peru.

Illustrated flora of the ligneous plants of north east China.

annual vine that is characterized by a wrapped and herbaceous stem and a ligneous base.

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