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আগড়ম বাগড়ম Meaning in English

/Noun/ Idle chatter ; vain talk ; balderdash.

আগড়ম বাগড়ম এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


meaningless chatter.

আগড়ম-বাগড়ম এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

"Chengdu, China: idle chatter in the teahouse".

the accident was lack of altitude awareness due to distraction from idle chatter among the flight crew during the approach phase of the flight.

She despises idle chatter and is the beloved of all in her society.

"his continual search for improved performance left little time for idle chatter with his racing colleagues.

your complicated state of mind, The meaning doesn't matter if it's only idle chatter Of a transcendental kind.

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