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আটঘাট Meaning in English

/Noun/ Ins and outs ; all directions ; all ways and means.

আটঘাট এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


ins and outs; details.

আটঘাট বাঁধা (verb intransitive) be prepared to meet any eventuality.

আটঘাট এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

the music business and is designed to help the reader understand the ins and outs of the music industry.

Experts in the ins and outs of the Public Administration, and with a valued social network, the State.

father's office as his de facto secretary, and thus was familiar with the ins and outs of his job.

discusses music licensing issues in the larger world, explaining the ins and outs of commercial licensing.

Gangaram Rana Busal, all of whom belonged to Gorkha and knew all areas, ins and outs of the region.

Peristyle, Devillier worked with Chef Anne Kearny-Sands and learned the ins and outs of French cuisine and was responsible for preparing daily charcuterie.

connection, meaning that only one cable is required to connect the eight ins and outs of one device or another.

Politics, a newsletter covering the ins and outs of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia.

since there are some points where the highway can be accessed via right ins and outs whom doesn't form parts of grade-separated junctions.

book about the experience called Say, Darling, which chronicled the ins and outs of a broadway musical production and featured characters based on those.

Candice Tells All takes a look at the ins and outs of her designs, Candice's design principles, and also an in-depth look.

The course spans six weeks and covers the ins and outs of being a butler.

A number of ins and outs followed but after a good start Stoke won just five of their first 21.

আটঘাট এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

করা টুকরা টুকরা করা আটখানা হওয়া আনন্দে অধীর হওয়া আটঘাট বাঁধা সবরকম অবস্থার জন্য প্রস্তুত থাকা আটঘাট বেঁধে চলা সবদিক সামলে চলা আটপৌরে সবসময়ে পরার পোশাক।

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