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আনুরূপ্য Meaning in English

/Noun/ Resemblance ; likeness ; similarity.

আনুরূপ্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


similarity; likeness; resemblance.

আনুরূপ্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

It acquired the "lancet" name from its resemblance to a lance.

The mountain gets its name due to its large rock slides' resemblance to Gothic architecture.

argue that each resemblance relation is a particular, and is a resemblance relation simply in virtue of its resemblance to other resemblance relations.

remaining on the spot or moving around; the dance takes its name from its resemblance to the use of a pogo stick, especially in a common version of the dance.

is a common name for some marine invertebrates with varying levels of resemblance to terrestrial slugs.

The bowl barrow gets its name from its resemblance to an upturned bowl.

derives from the diminutive of the French croc, meaning "hook", due to the resemblance of crockets to a bishop's crosier.

The hamburger button, so named for its unintentional resemblance to a hamburger, is a button typically placed in a top corner of a graphical user interface.

backwards pointing, giving some resemblance to the shape of a traditional beehive.

bears a strong physical resemblance to another person, excluding cases like twins and other instances of family resemblance.

It is also known as the B-52 due to a resemblance to the distinctive nose of.

used the term "invert" to refer to its protagonist, who bore a strong resemblance to one of Krafft-Ebing's case studies.

The dish bears resemblance to African dishes, particularly the Senegambian dish thieboudienne, suggesting.

The species of buttonquail are named for their superficial resemblance to quail, and form the family Turnicidae in the order Charadriiformes.

It was named because of its resemblance to the green color of one of the French liqueurs called green chartreuse.

Family resemblance (German: Familienähnlichkeit) is a philosophical idea made popular by Ludwig Wittgenstein, with the best known exposition given in.

It was named by the Dutch for its resemblance in outline to a sugarloaf when sailing up the river towards it.

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