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আর্জানো Meaning in English

/Verb/ Plant ; sow.

আর্জানো এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

The tomato is the edible berry of the plant Solanum lycopersicum, commonly known as a tomato plant.

A power station, also referred to as a power plant and sometimes generating station or generating plant, is an industrial facility for the generation of.

vegetable native to the Americas, a starchy tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum, and the plant itself is a perennial in the nightshade family, Solanaceae.

Botany, also called plant science(s), plant biology or phytology, is the science of plant life and a branch of biology.

legume (/ˈlɛɡjuːm, ləˈɡjuːm/) is a plant in the family Fabaceae (or Leguminosae), or the fruit or seed of such a plant.

A perennial plant or simply perennial is a plant that lives more than two years.

recognizing a family, but in plants, they can be characterized on the basis of both vegetative and reproductive feature of plant species.

In 2012, the IUCN Red List listed 3,079 animal and 2,655 plant species as endangered (EN) worldwide.

The species Brassica napus belongs to the flowering plant family Brassicaceae.

defined to encompass a certain range of climatic conditions relevant to plant growth and survival.

A botanist, plant scientist or phytologist.

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