আলতো আলতো Meaning in English
/adverb/ Lightly ; softly.
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
আলতো ভাবেআলতো ছোঁয়া
আলতো করে
আলগুছি দেওয়া
আলগা মুখ
আলগা হওয়া
আলগা ভাব
আলগা দেওয়া
আলগা করা
আলগা কথা
আলতো-আলতো এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
with salt and sugar to taste, or lightly fried in oil with nuts, raisins, cardamoms, and other spices.
Ponzu shoyu is traditionally used as a dressing for tataki (lightly grilled, then chopped meat or fish) and also as a dip for nabemono (one-pot.
website launched in 1995 that aggregates press releases and publishes lightly edited press releases (a practice called churnalism) about science, similar.
of corn tortillas cut into quarters and lightly fried.
vehicles may superficially resemble tanks, but they are generally lightly armoured, too lightly to survive in direct-fire combat.
is not meant to be eaten as it is and needs to be prepared, usually by lightly frying in vegetable oil.
5 mm, brown or black in color, with lightly infuscate (darkened) wings.
Typically, corn tortillas cut into quarters and lightly fried or baked for a lighter version are.
It is a lightly populated wine-producing area.
The term is used to designate areas in which companies are taxed very lightly or not at all to encourage economic activity.
The lightly fried variety is a standard breakfast.
Silken (kinugoshi) firm tofu, cut into cubes, is lightly dusted with potato.
Triassic forms were small, lightly built, active terrestrial animals.
Overtones can be isolated "by lightly touching the string with the finger instead of pressing it down" against.