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আসত্তি Meaning in English

/Noun/ Approach ; nearness ; proximity ; association ; connection ; gain ; profit ; acquirements.

আসত্তি এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) connection; proximity; nearness.

(2) (grammar) proximity of related words within a sentence: আসছে দোষ.

আসত্তি এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

on approach to Bahrain Airport, killing 46 of 52 on board.

not so much a technique as an approach, an approach from the viewpoint of the so-called basic sciences with the leading.

re-checking the calculations, the commander and co-pilot, determined the approach speeds as 221, 170, 148 and 124 knots (409, 315, 274 and 230 km/h; 254.

overlaps with that of cognitive science, which takes a more interdisciplinary approach and includes studies of non-human subjects and artificial intelligence.

this to occur are: a large and active nucleus, a close approach to the Sun, and a close approach to the Earth.

ecology is an interdisciplinary field of ecology that takes a holistic approach to the study of ecological systems, especially ecosystems; it can be seen.

aircraft to allow them to approach a runway at night or in bad weather.

two-tier strategy to service their audience in the upcoming years: "a global approach aimed at disseminating information to a larger worldwide audience through.

holistic when applied to diet or medical health refers to an intuitive approach to food, eating, or lifestyle.

In its original form, it allows an aircraft to approach until it is 200 feet (61 m).

Today it provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems.

June 14 – An Air France Douglas DC-4, F-BBDM, crashes in the Arabian Sea while on approach to.

Eastern Africa Middle Africa Southern Africa Western Africa One common approach categorizes Africa directionally, e.

A top-down approach (also known as stepwise design and stepwise refinement and in some cases.

আসত্তি এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

আসত্তি: বাক্যের অর্থসঙ্গতি রক্ষার জন্য সুশৃঙ্খল পদবিন্যাসই আসত্তি

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