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আসন গ্রহণ করা Meaning in English

// take a chair; /প্রতিশব্দ/

আসন-গ্রহণ-করা এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

The battle tired the ruler so much that he needed to take a chair.

joined the department at VUM in 1948, leaving as a Reader in 1961 to take a chair in Australia.

Padua in 1351, Boccaccio on an official mission to invite Petrarch to take a chair at the university in Florence.

newspaper that Namier had no position, making a phone-call to invite him to take a chair, and only then walking over to tell the Vice-Chancellor of the recruitment.

was quoted as saying that Benoit "was one of the only guys who would take a chair shot to the back of the head .

In 1957, he was invited to take a chair at Imperial College, London, and he and Paul Matthews went on to set.

2006, and has remained there since with a leave from 2013 to 2016 to take a chair of Mechanics and Materials at ETH Zurich.

Alexandre Koyré Centre, and in 2005 she went on leave from the center to take a chair in the history of sciences at the European University Institute in Florence.

After the participant's speech, the mentor either offers to take a chair, or immediately sends him home.

taught for a while in Leuven, was invited by the Signoria of Venice to take a chair for sciences in Padua (1480), travelled through Italy, became physician.

and poetry, patronized the poet Claudio Achillini, whom she helped to take a chair at the University of Parma.

"If I take a chair and removed one leg, you still have a chair but it won't stand up, will.

snowboarders from the bottom of the area back to the top, without having to take a chair lift to the top of the mountain.

1972, he accepted an invitation from La Trobe University, Melbourne, to take a chair in Sociology which he held until 1989 also serving as Dean of the School.

Bernoulli who succeeded him in his post as he returned to Basel in 1731 to take a chair in ethics and natural law.

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