আসরে নামা Meaning in English
Appear on the stage ; make one's debut ; appear before the public.
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
আসর রাখাআসর জমানো
আসর জমকানো
আসর গরম বা সরগরম করা
আসমুদ্র করগ্রাহী
আসমানী রং
আসমান জমিন ফারাক
আসবিক পানীয়
আসবাব পত্র
আসরে-নামা এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
only with the Napoleonic experiment did a great revolutionary élan appear on the stage of history".
"Starnews: Edward Lam is using Joe Cheng to 'lure' Sylvia Chang to appear on the stage play again".
into military service in 1939 by the Italian government and did not appear on the stage for the next three years.
Although they did not all appear on the stage at the same time, most of the ex-members of Crass participated in.
not use mask during the dance, but they do when the artists first appear on the stage for introduction to the audience.
vile taste of the town; it (Lotario) is condemned never more to appear on the stage after this night.
His wife continued to appear on the stage under the name May Robson until her death in 1924.
Items will occasionally appear on the stage for players to collect, including life-restoring pizza and ninja.
events, the savage people who became the "so-called Native Americans" appear on the stage and wipe out the existing civilization, including horses (and presumably.
1756 his pupil Vincenza Sibilla, a singer, whom he never allowed to appear on the stage after their marriage.
Group (MHY): In 1983, MHY was the first among other folk theatres to appear on the stage of a national theatre, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.
Meanwhile, Bennett went to Chicago to appear on the stage in the role as the young witch Gillian Holroyd in Bell, Book, and.
As Foreign Man, Kaufman would appear on the stage of comedy clubs, play a recording of the theme from the Mighty Mouse.
During the entrée, the dancers first appear on the stage and, typically with great pageantry, acknowledge each other and position.
Marie Venier, called Laporte, becomes the first female player to appear on the stage in Paris.
আসরে-নামা এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ
তাদের প্রথম গাড়ি, ডিবি -১, একটি ফর্মুলা ১৬০০ ছিল যা তারা প্রথমবার আসরে নামা জাতীয় চ্যাম্পিয়নশিপ জিতেছিল।
জমায়েত/সভা লোকে পরিপূর্ণ হওয়া আসর জমানো/মাতানো আসরে নিজেকে প্রতিষ্ঠিত করা আসরে নামা কাজে অবতীর্ণ হওয়া আসলে মুষল নেই ঢেঁকিঘরে চাঁদোয়া সঠিক ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণের।