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আস্থাপন Meaning in English

/noun/ foundation; /প্রতিশব্দ/ ভিত্তি;

আস্থাপন এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

laid out twelve principles and priorities that would eventually become foundational to INTERPOL, including providing direct contact between police in different.

On deciding why to start a foundation, Nadal said.

Microsoft and full-time work at the Bill ' Melinda Gates Foundation, the private charitable foundation he and his wife, Melinda Gates, established in 2000.

The foundation will focus on social work and development aid particularly on childhood and youth.

former British prime minister to set up a foundation; the British wing of the Margaret Thatcher Foundation was dissolved in 2005 due to financial difficulties.

The foundation serves as the estate of Andy Warhol, but also has.

Bolton and the foundation have had.

USD the foundation raised went to charity with most of the funds paying for a concert headlined by Bolton himself.

Gates Foundation and the Gates Learning Foundation, is an American private foundation founded by.

The foundation later.

the foundation disclosed the first project to be carried out was Wielding Peace, which officially launched on August 16, 2019.

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