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আড়ষ্ট Meaning in English

/adjective/ Benumbed ; cramped.

আড়ষ্ট এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


benumbed; cramped; inert.

আড়ষ্টতা (noun) numbness.

আড়ষ্ট এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

flies but is frozen to death, nor any man passeth but he is senselessly benumbed like a statue of marble.

The larger one was benumbed and easily killed; the other was very lively and venomous, and was dispatched.

New York Times, wrote a very negative review, calling the show a "sad, benumbed spectacle" which was "unparalleled in its wholesale squandering of illustrious.

Lucy is perpetually benumbed from prescribed medication, taken after the disappearance of her environmentalist.

praised the book saying, "'Say Nothing' powerfully documents a society benumbed by trauma attempting to reckon with the abyss that engulfed it.

) Or, troubled by dæmons, and sick, that is, benumbed and unable to rise; and though they had shepherds, yet they were as though.

special color mixed only for Barsini, and that it was on the cloth she was benumbed with.

"humble-bee" as seen here (lines included are 5–8): "But the warm sun thaws the benumbed earth/And makes it tender; gives a sacred birth/To the dead swallow; wakes.

found his strength was insufficient to draw from the snow a traveller benumbed with cold, he would run back to the hospital in search of the monks….

how he came there; engulfed in pure delight as he sinks to the depths; benumbed as he reaches the end, he is as if he had not yet begun to emerge from.

the entire nation's pop-rock sensibility was so benumbed that when Kihn recorded his first competent tune in the genre, "The Breakup.

it is continued till the culprit is almost suffocated for want of air, benumbed with the cold of water, or stunned with the blows his head received by.

side a 1–0 unforeseen win over the ladder leaders, Victory, a win that benumbed Victory supporters.

The film's dramatic high point is where Tom, judgement benumbed by years of alcohol abuse, tries to pull himself long enough to perform.

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