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আয়ত্ত Meaning in English

/adjective/ Within control ; subjugated ; subject ; dependent ; manageable ; mastered.

আয়ত্ত এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


ownership; possession; control; grip; power: আয়ত্তের মধ্যে/বাইরে.

(adjective) subject; subjugated; controlled; acquired; mastered.

আয়ত্ত করা, আয়ত্তে আনা (verb transitive) acquire; master; bring under control/possession/subjugation.

আয়ত্ত এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Cybernetical methods are understood as methods developed within control theory, information theory, systems theory and related areas: control.

Pescaglia remained within control of Lucca from that period to today growing in size and importance.

that had been introduced in May 1948 for aircraft above 1,500 feet within control zones, and that any error in setting the barometric pressure of one.

For a given joint, the only term in this equation within control is temperature.

The voice ' motor noise within control requirements.

changes were made to both WMMW stations, primarily to keep the FM station within control of the Schultz family.

context of Control reconfiguration, a field of fault-tolerant control within control engineering, reconfigurability is a property of faulty systems meaning.

within domains, however it is recommended that user applications not run within control or service domains in order to protect domain stability and performance.

Friday, 27 February Bunyip fire still burnt within control lines in the Bunyip State Park and State Forest areas.

Currently, power grid systems have varying degrees of communication within control systems for their high-value assets, such as in generating plants, transmission.

consisting of at least 300 feet within transition areas and 500 feet within control areas.

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