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আয়োজিত Meaning in English

/adjective/ arranged; prepared; /প্রতিশব্দ/ সংস্থিত; প্রস্তুত;

আয়োজিত এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Streptobacilli: Bacilli arranged in chains.

Most often the sequence of movements is arranged fast-slow-fast or in some other order that provides contrast.

An outline, also called a hierarchical outline, is a list arranged to show hierarchical relationships and is a type of tree structure.

The album includes Paul McCartney's "Yesterday", arranged for guitar and string quartet and recorded without the other group members.

are tall shrubs or small trees with leaves arranged in opposite pairs, relatively small flowers arranged in spike-like groups, and the fruit a woody.

satisfying particular criteria ,arranged systematically Chronicle/Chronology – a historical account of events arranged in chronological order Compendium.

present-day arranged marriage.

spreading shrub with narrow, linear leaves and cylindrical yellow flowers arranged singly or in groups of up to three in leaf axils.

An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches.

“The initial violin composition was in E major but both arranged versions are transposed down to D, the better to accommodate the wind instruments.

To be arranged, To be agreed (TBA), To be determined (TBD) or To be decided – the appropriateness.

There are indications that even the institution of arranged marriages is changing, with marriages increasingly being arranged by.

marriages in Pakistan are traditional arranged marriages, semi-arranged marriages or love marriages.

Burden, Tony Randall, arranged and conducted by Martin and McCartney; string section and harp on "She's Leaving Home", arranged by Mike Leander and conducted.

pinnae, the flowers silky-hairy, cream-coloured and arranged in oval heads and the fruit are arranged in oval heads.

Diplobacilli: Two bacilli arranged side by side with each other.

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