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ইতস্ততঃ করা Meaning in English

Hesitate ; waver.

ইতস্ততঃ-করা এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

“The main ally of Lenin, Bronstein-Trotsky did not hesitate at all to talk about plans and goals, We must turn Russia into a desert.

supported Venizelos, Constantine insisted on his position and did not hesitate to confront the democratically elected government.

and politically prominent people so powerful that ordinary courts might hesitate to convict them of their crimes.

The material was usually found locally, though the Romans would not hesitate to bring in the material from other places if they could find no suitable.

Scholars hesitate in defining the term "Hindu scriptures" given the diverse nature of Hinduism.

Their operations are quite risky since blockading fleets would not hesitate to fire on them.

Staunch defender of Maliki Islam, he did not hesitate to come into direct conflict with several Sufi of his time as the esoteric.

or the threat of a lawsuit; any legal action that would cause people to hesitate to exercise a legitimate right (freedom of speech or otherwise) for fear.

They have taken the path that most of us hesitate to take for want of time or caring.

Bao Xun was known to be an outspoken minister who would not hesitate to criticise anyone for their mistakes, including his lord.

and signed by Philadelphia Athletics' manager Connie Mack, who did not hesitate to call him "the most underrated outfielder in baseball".

even considered it as the most basal crown group tetrapod, while others hesitate to even place it within the Tetrapoda superclass.

The Serbs did not hesitate to make the first move and the two armies met.

In 2018 lyricist Ulvaeus indicated that he would hesitate to write songs like these in the "Me too" age.

ইতস্ততঃ-করা এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

ভাবনাচিন্তা করা মাথা চাড়া দেওয়া জাহির করা মাথা চালা মাথা খাটানো মাথা চুলকানো ইতস্ততঃ করা মাথা ঠাণ্ডা করা/রাখা শান্ত হওয়া/থাকা মাথা ঠিক না থাকা অস্থির চিত্ত হওয়া।

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