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ইষ্টানিষ্ট Meaning in English

/Noun/ Good or evil ; loss or gain

ইষ্টানিষ্ট এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

[ইষ্ট+অনিষ্ট] (noun) gain or loss; good or evil.

(adjective) good or bad.

ইষ্টানিষ্ট এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

according to Spiritualism, is the world or realm inhabited by spirits, both good or evil of various spiritual manifestations.

above definitions in part IV of his Ethics : Proposition 8 "Knowledge of good or evil is nothing but affect of joy or sorrow in so far as we are conscious.

universe as a multitude of spirits that are able to be used for either good or evil through religion.

Shia Muslims believe that there is intrinsic good or evil in things, and that God commands them to do the good things and shun.

the course of the game, Delsin acquires new powers and becomes either good or evil as player choices influence his morality.

Euthyphro dilemma, but draws a distinction between what is good or evil in itself and what is good or evil because of God's commands, with unchangeable moral.

from Chinese astrology that each represent a different star capable of good or evil depending on their position in the heavens.

superimposing images of different animals over each character to emphasize their good or evil qualities.

universe, as good or evil sights witnessed by beings, as good or evil words shared between people, as good or evil smells of nature, as good or evil feelings.

vices of the rabble), unlike slave morality, which judges by a scale of good or evil intentions (e.

hates a soul based on its inclination toward good or evil, before the soul actually commits a good or evil act.

occurs to him: I do not understand what is good or evil as it really is.

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