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উত্তরঙ্গ Meaning in English

/adjective/ Billowy ; wavy.

উত্তরঙ্গ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


full of waves: উত্তরঙ্গ সাগর, the billowy sea.

উত্তরঙ্গ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Cytórus", while in the Georgics, Virgil says, "Fain would I gaze on Cytorus billowy with boxwood".

grazed she the ground with her feet; and from Athos she stepped upon the billowy sea, and so came to Lemnos, the city of godlike Thoas The Homeric name.

child") for girls, and Kai, Kainoa, Keanu ("the coolness"), Kainalu ("billowy sea"), Nāinoa, Kaimana and Kanoa ("the commoner, free man") for boys.

AllMusic states that "Although producer Billy Sherrill's use of billowy string arrangements, crying steel guitar and the Jordanaires and Nashville.

By the 1820s to 1840s, the saya was replaced by a billowy western-style skirt known as the saya a la mascota.

It was described in 1922 by the Bureau of Agriculture as having a "billowy plain" to its east towards Mailag, "more pronounced hills covered with.

San Jose is divided by the Sawaga River into a billowy plain to the west and a hilly and rugged east.

At times tumbling in billowy romance, at others even jarringly uncomfortable, Jarrett's piano embraces.

terms "ʻaʻā" and "pāhoehoe" for cool, clinkery lava flows and smooth, billowy lava flows respectively.

charcoal on translucent vellum that reveal "disembodied gowns, tutus and billowy party frocks.

classed as a planetary nebula, though no planets are responsible for this billowy cloud; the term came about in the 18th century because the round gas shells.

Wearing a "billowy red dress adorned with a bow," it was noted by Idolator that Carey decided.

explain to Diana words like "billowy", "clouds", "red", "green", and "blue" by using cotton balls as a touchable vision of "billowy clouds", a warm rock to.

উত্তরঙ্গ এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

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