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একদেশ Meaning in English

/Noun/ Portion ; part ; region ; division ; one place or country.

একদেশ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(1) a portion or region (especially of a country).

(2) a country.

একদেশী (adjective) hailing from/living in the same country.

একদেশী লোক (noun) compatriot.

একদেশীয় (adjective) of/living in the same country.

একদেশ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Moira may mean portion or share in the distribution of booty (ίση μοῖρα, ísē moîra, "equal booty"), portion in life, lot, destiny, (μοῖραv.

Halbinsel), is a peninsula of Northern Europe that forms the continental portion of Denmark and part of northern Germany.

Colorado is a region in the northwest portion of Colorado.

the basal portion nearer the connection with the rest of the flower, the mesochile is the middle portion, and the epichile is the distal portion.

Driftless Area includes the sand Plains region northeast of Wisconsin's portion of the incised Paleozoic Plateau in the southwestern part of the state.

Southwestern Colorado is a region in the southwest portion of Colorado, which in turn is part of the larger Four Corners region.

population of 2,837,511 (not including the population in the Saskatchewan portion of Lloydminster) and an average population of 149,343 in the 2016 Canadian.

be served at any point during a meal: Appetizer salads—light, smaller-portion salads served as the first course of the meal.

Etymology Population Area Map Baker County 001 Baker City 1862 Eastern portion of Wasco County Edward Dickinson Baker, a senator from Oregon who was killed.

the southern parts of the present-day Madhya Pradesh and northeastern portion of today's Maharashtra.

The globin portion of hemoglobin is degraded to its constitutive amino acids, and the heme portion is metabolized to bilirubin, which.

locals in reference to the portion of the Vermont-based Green Mountains that extend south into western Massachusetts; the portion extending further south.

capacity); the statistic is generally applied irrespective of whatever portion of the game is contested.

It is a custom among religious Jewish communities for a weekly Torah portion to be read during Jewish prayer services on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.

01951-01-011951 Became a portion of FM 1742 (later FM 107, now FM 1996) Spur 18 — — — — — 01993-01-011993 02000-01-012000 Became a portion of US 82 Spur 19 —.

It borders Western Colorado, Northern Colorado, the north portion of Central Colorado, Southwestern.

The lower part of the cervix, known as the vaginal portion of the cervix (or ectocervix), bulges into the top of the vagina.

associated fimbriae near the ovary, the ampulla that represents the major portion of the lateral tube, the isthmus, which is the narrower part of the tube.

একদেশ এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

গতানুগতিক মহাকাশের স্যাটেলাইট যোগাযোগ পদ্ধতির বিকল্প হিসেবে সাগরতল দিয়ে একদেশ দেশ থেকে আরেক দেশ কিংবা এক মহাদেশ থেকে আরেক মহাদেশে পর্যন্ত যে বিস্তৃত অত্যন্ত।

পতাকা আইন লঙ্ঘন করেছে...প্রকাশ্যে দেশ এবং রাষ্ট্রের মর্যাদা ক্ষুণ্ণ করেছে, একদেশ দুই প্রথা রীতির ভিত্তিকে অসম্মান করেছে এবং জঘন্যভাবে সকল চীনা জনগণের অনুভূতিতে।

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