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একীভাব Meaning in English

/Noun/ Complete union ; perfect unity ; fusion ; coalescence.

একীভাব এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


act of being united; unity.

(adjective) act of being equalized or mixed up together.

একীভাব এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

This marked the complete union of Brittany to France.

chief aim being to teach the means by which the human spirit may attain complete union with īśvara or the Supreme Spirit; in the practice of self-concentration.

that he was on Italian soil and that the future of the island lay in complete union with Italy.

Teresa in Salamanca, to see one last time if a complete union of all the communities might be possible.

sometimes referred to as Ardharadhavenudhara murti, and it symbolizes the complete union and inseparability of Radha and Krishna.

(awareness of no distinction in god and soul, self), the last stage of complete union of soul and god (liberation, mukti).

differences between the two movements were altogether too large for a complete union of the two doctrines.

mystic's self remain distinct, in contrast to what appears to be a complete union in other traditions.

, a complete union of the divine and human natures into one nature is self-evident in order.

theoria is the experience of the highest or absolute truth, realized by complete union with God.

contemplatives, the anchoresses’ primary purpose was to pray, seeking complete union with God.

churches, including the Catholic Church, it sees catholicity in terms of complete union in communion and faith, with the Church throughout all time, and the.

description of the various phases of existence as the mind rises into complete union with, and ultimate absorption into, the primitive essence.

(awareness of no distinction in god and soul, self), to the last stage of complete union of soul and god (liberation, mukti).

Historically it has expressed the Enosis view, urging for a complete union to motherland Greece and with a strong anti-colonialist, anti-marxist.

[Brest]); however, this union failed to achieve a lasting, permanent, and complete union of the Catholics and Orthodox in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Britain suppressed the separatists, and legislated a complete union with Ireland in 1801, including the abolition of the Irish Parliament.

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