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এবারৎ Meaning in English

/Noun/ Style of composition ; significance of words ; reading ; variant reading ; phrase ; idiom or style ; long statement ; elaborate account.

এবারৎ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

[Arabic] (noun)

(1) style of composition; idiom: এবারত দেখেই বুঝতে পেরেছি কার লেখা.

(2) the first sketch of any writing; a draft: এবারত খুবই ভালো হয়েছে.

(3) long statement; elaborate account.

এবারৎ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

A composition school is a group of composers or a style of composition purportedly shared by a group of composers, often from the same area or who studied.

of The Art of War in the later Warring States period based on its style of composition and its descriptions of warfare.

Viola bastarda refers to a highly virtuosic style of composition or extemporaneous performance, as well as to the altered viols created.

Reich's style of composition has influenced many contemporary composers and groups, especially.

the first preserved works of Raphael in which his natural dramatic style of composition was already obvious, as opposed to the gentle poetic style of his.

the changing musical fashions of the late 19th century made his style of composition less popular.

He modelled his style of composition after Tchaikovsky.

The style of composition and textual arrangement suggest that it is likely a compilation of.

Fahey used the term "American primitive guitar" to describe the style of composition he developed in his releases from the 1950s onwards.

having travelled to Italy in 1706, was replacing his former Germanic style of composition with the Italian style that he would use for the rest of his life.

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