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ওগরানো Meaning in English

/Verb/ Vomit ; disgorge ; belch out.

ওগরানো এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


ওগরানো এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Also known as the dog vomit slime mold, it is common with a worldwide distribution, and it is often.

prostitution to fund her drug-habit, before choking to death on her own vomit in 1989.

gastrointestinal tract cause vomit containing blood, hence the Spanish name for yellow fever, vómito negro ("black vomit").

It is sometimes referred to as a vomit fetish, and the fetish is considered a.

objects are harmless facsimiles of disgusting or terrifying objects, such as vomit or spilled nail polish.

sick sack, airsick bag, airsickness bag, emesis bag, sick bag, barf bag, vomit bag, disposal bag, waste bag, Doggie bag or motion sickness bag) is a small.

The unofficial nickname "vomit comet" became popular among those who experienced their operation.

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