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কটুকাটব্য Meaning in English

/Noun/ Abusive language ; harsh words.

কটুকাটব্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


(plural) abusive language; bitter reproaches.

কটুকাটব্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

he was found guilty of disputing the decisions of a field umpire, abusive language and unseemly conduct during a game which resulted in a 16 games suspension.

premiership semi-final Watson was suspended for two weeks for using abusive language and refusing to leave the field when ordered to by the referee.

season plus twelve matches in 1967 for charging, striking and using abusive language towards field umpire David Jackson.

Port Melbourne's Graeme Taggart was reported for using continuous abusive language towards umpire David Jackson.

Some of its policies include no violent acts, no abusive language and a 48 hour rule for sick pupils.

Jackson reported Peck for using abusive language and for disputing his decisions, and Peck repeatedly turned away from.

In 2018 Chishimba Kambwili was accused of using abusive language toward Zambian police and soldiers.

uses very abusive language with his teachers.

"Antiochus, who succeeded Alexander in the kingdom, could not tolerate the abusive language of this Diogenes.

The use of abusive language to another person is illegal in a small number of U.

December 2019, Robinson was charged by the Football Association for using abusive language to a match official.

their own use only and there was much ill will between them due to abusive language and accusations on both sides.

suspension after Carlton's 1917 semi-final loss to Fitzroy for using abusive language toward a steward at the subsequent tribunal hearing.

কটুকাটব্য এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

শিবকে চিনতে না পেরে ঋষিরা তাঁকে কটুকাটব্য করলেন, অভিশাপ দিলেন, এমনকি আক্রমণও করলেন।

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