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খন্ডশঃ Meaning in English

/Interjection/ In pieces ; piece by piece ; piecemeal.

খন্ডশঃ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

musical", and is used to refer to specific if vaguely defined qualities in pieces and/or genres of music, such as melodiousness and harmoniousness.

scale factor of two for distance, while cutting a cake in half results in pieces with a scale factor for volume of one half.

called winding sticks are used in woodworking to amplify twist (wind) in pieces of wood.

But these types of joints can be used to reinforce cracks in pieces of wood, doors, picture frames, or drawers.

superficial thrombophlebitis will cause a clot to break up and be transported in pieces to the lung is very low.

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