<< খাসকামড়া খাসকামড়া >>

খাসকামরা Meaning in English

/noun/ private chamber; closet; snuggery; /প্রতিশব্দ/ আলমারি;

খাসকামরা এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Spying inside the captain's private chamber, the professor, Conseil and Ned discover Nemo's plan of travelling.

The private chamber of the Earls of Kilmarnock has a complete model of the castle.

Above the kitchen is the lord's bedroom, the only original private chamber in the building.

When Jacqueline faints from the strain, she is carried into a private chamber.

the word miḥ'rāb in Quran 3:36 in its literal meaning refers to a private chamber or a public/private prayer chamber.

Beside this was Lord Orkney's private chamber in the south-east corner tower.

announcing the death of ten men (he refers to them as breadwinners) in his private chamber circled with books and typical red shade of the court with a centrally.

The theme of this private chamber – probably an audience room – was the heavenly protection granted by.

lord's day-to-day living, while the floor above would have housed his private chamber.

new gateway, the revenue office, a public audience hall (durbar), a private chamber, the treasury and a mosque in an extensive compound called Farrabagh.

framed to its north by the solar block, which contained the lord's private chamber, a latrine and a cellar space.

When she faints from the strain, she is carried into a private chamber.

buttresses; its four floors would have included a main chamber and a private chamber for the lord above it.

commission (February–September 1519) was the ceiling decoration of a private chamber of the mother-superior (abbess Giovanna Piacenza) of the convent of.

to Jean Becker; it was first performed by the Joachim Quartet at a private chamber music evening on July 29, 1879, in Berlin.

beautiful work of art, Natural plant colors decorate the walls of his private chamber, the place where he would stay and fast for 40 days and nights.

with 36 columns), "Tachar" (the private chamber of Darius the Great), "Hadish" (added later on as a private chamber for king Xerxes the Great), the "Talar-i-Takht".

Returning to his private chamber, Sourire weeps with grief and accidentally overturns an incense burner.

খাসকামরা এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

বৃহত্তর ভিক্টোরিয়ান বাড়িগুলিতে ভদ্রমহিলার জন্য শয়নকক্ষে একটি খাসকামরা এবং ভদ্রলোকের জন্য ড্রেসিং রুমে হিসাবে এটি সাধারণ ঘর ছিল।

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