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খাড়ি Meaning in English

/Noun/ Inlet ; firth ; creek.

খাড়ি এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

The inlet is significant in that it almost makes an.

An inlet is an indentation of a shoreline, usually long and narrow, such as a small bay or arm, that often leads to an enclosed body of salt water, such.

strong, offshore current that is caused by the tide pulling water through an inlet along a barrier beach, at a lagoon or inland marina where tide water flows.

rotary inlet valve used on two-stroke engines employs two cylindrical members with suitable cutouts arranged to rotate one within the other - the inlet pipe.

Shuttle valves automatically connect the higher pressure inlet to the outlet while (in some configurations).

Fjord (fiord) – a narrow inlet of the sea between cliffs or steep slopes.

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