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খিলখিল করিয়া হাসা Meaning in English

Giggle ; titter.

খিলখিল-করিয়া-হাসা এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Seinfeld, with laugh-out-loud riffs on 'unflushable' exes, escalating 'giggle loops' during solemn moments of silence and 'porn buddies,' who in the event.

The straight face test (also laugh test or giggle test) is a test of whether something is legitimate or serious based on whether a given statement or legal.

The Australian giggle hat has a thinner brim.

The Doughboy responds when his stomach is poked by giggling (Hoo-Hoo!, or earlier on, a slight giggle "tee hee").

Giggle incontinence, giggle enuresis or enuresis risoria is the involuntary release of urine in response to giggling or laughter.

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