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খেঁচাখেঁচি Meaning in English

/Noun/ Haggling ; mutual abuses ; constant bickering ; frequent quarrel ; squabble ; dispute.

খেঁচাখেঁচি এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Although bargains are sometimes staggering, haggling is considered mandatory.

Bargaining or haggling is a type of negotiation in which the buyer and seller of a good or service debate the price and exact nature of a transaction.

The centre is notoriously known for the amount of haggling and price comparisons required in order to find good deals, as well as.

author of ‘Theses Martinianæ’ (1590) anathematised him and six other ‘haggling and profane’ writers, and described them as ‘serving the established church.

This allowed shorter training time for new clerks (who would no longer need to know the art of haggling nor the range of accepted.

the story of a meeting between a peddler and a girl, describing their haggling over goods in a metaphor for courtship.

flea market veteran, Jimmy Kaplow as he exercises his shrewd eye and haggling abilities to make a profit at flea markets, yard sales, and antiques fairs.

In an era when haggling for goods was the norm, the chain proclaimed "We propose to sell our goods.

determined by the bidder’s intention to trade off higher expected savings from haggling against the associated frictional costs".

summer time would start or end was made at the last minute due to political haggling and this caused disruption to international airline schedules at Ben Gurion.

After much haggling and public discussion, BART agreed to turn the Hearst strip over to the.

খেঁচাখেঁচি এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

নিষ্কৃতি কামনা খেজুরে আলাপ অর্থহীন বাক্যালাপ খেঁকী কুকুর অসহিষ্ণু ব্যক্তি খেঁচাখেঁচি চেল্লামেচি, গোলমাল খেই কথার ধারা/সূত্র (মাঝে মাঝে খেই হারিয়ে যায়) খেয়ে।

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