খেপাটে Meaning in English
/adjective/ potty; whacky; wacky; mad; queer; pixilated; /phrase/ up the pole; off one's nuts; /প্রতিশব্দ/ তুচ্ছ; পাগলাটে; খেপাটে লোক; ক্ষিপ্ত; মাতাল; মুশকিলে পড়া;
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
খেপা কুকুরখেপা
খেদোক্তি করা
খেদিয়ে দেওয়া
খেদ নিবারণ করা
খেদ করা
খেপাটে এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
A dream has his friends forcing him on the toilet, which inspires him to use the potty for the first time.
jerry, a guzunder, a po (possibly from French: pot de chambre), a potty pot, a potty, a thunder pot or a thunder mug.
the loo to make use of the internet facilities, noting that "most port-a-potty users stay only long enough to relieve themselves without having to inhale.
A portable or mobile toilet (colloquial terms: porta potty or porta john) is any type of toilet that can be moved around, some by one person, some by.
manner, but swallowed automatically without the need for a lever, and used a potty instead of a diaper.
Toilet humour, or potty or scatological humour (compare scatology), is a type of off-colour humour dealing with defecation, urination and flatulence,.
Toilet training (also potty training or toilet learning) is the process of training someone, particularly a young child or infant, to use the toilet for.
A potty or potty chair is a proportionately small chair or enclosure with an opening for seating very young children to "go potty.
diapers, or learn to use the potty.