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ঘিনঘিনে Meaning in English

/adjective/ Whimpering ; whining.

ঘিনঘিনে এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

thud, slowly becomes aware of a whimpering noise, and sits up to find herself and the others in a deep pit.

" He then can't bear to look back, whimpering "don't show me no more, please.

doing anything other than lying on the sofa with a cushion on my face, whimpering in fear and paranoia.

That night, Beethoven hears Madison whimpering because of a bad dream, and comforts her.

"one-dimensional" and Peter Capaldi (as Caecilius) and Phil Davis's dialogue as "whimpering and scowling".

And yet, again, he would come as a fluttering, homeless soul, whimpering and formless, with a moaning cry for Justice-Justice-Judgment on him who.

What departs there, rattling, from the sunlight, Put to bed among whimpering enemies? Death twitches across the face; Yet bold hearts do not waver.

voice changes significantly and he talks with a growl, as opposed to his whimpering voice that is heard when he is Cringer.

A married couple, Chris and Ruth Miller, are awakened by the whimpering of their little daughter, Tina.

introduction, Dozois writes: "Here you'll find no hapless victims who stand by whimpering in dread while the male hero fights the monster or clashes swords with.

The whimpering is coming from a small fuzzy creature.

a word meaning "flowing out in small streams" and "winding river" or "whimpering or whining as it goes".

Trump said Baghdadi died "like a dog and a coward" and "whimpering and crying and screaming", but Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark.

Maggie has written a letter to give me my choice between The wee little whimpering Love and the great god Nick o' Teen.

There were rows of Jews lying one on top of the other like pigs, whimpering horribly.

ঘিনঘিনে এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

একটা গা-ঘিনঘিনে অনুভূতি তার মধ্যে মাথা তোলে, ঘাড় ধরে তাকে বের করে আনে।

একটি গরুর গলা শবকে আগলে বসে থাকা একটি ঘেয়ো কুকুরের তারস্বরে চিৎকারের গা ঘিনঘিনে চিত্রকল্পটিতে আমরা স্বতস্ফূর্তভাবেই চিনে নিতে পারি দুর্ভিক্ষের বাজারেও।

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