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ঘুরণ Meaning in English

/noun/ whirling; /প্রতিশব্দ/ ঘূর্ণ;

ঘুরণ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

stretched out both of his arms and started spinning in a circle (sufi whirling).

on them, out-competing them, transmitting contagious diseases (such as whirling disease), or hybridizing with closely related species and subspecies, thus.

However, music is also central to the Sema ceremony of the whirling dervishes, which is set to a form of music called Ayin, a vocal and instrumental.

Sufi whirling (or Sufi turning) (Turkish: Semazen borrowed from Persian Sama-zan, Sama, meaning listening, from Arabic, and zan, meaning doer, from Persian).

The whirling dance or Sufi whirling that is proverbially associated with dervishes is best known.

four conjoined legs (compare triskelion/triskele [Greek: τρισκέλιον]) whirling logs (Navajo, Native American): can denote abundance, prosperity, healing.

A whirling psychrometer uses the same principle, but the two thermometers are fitted.

myxosporean parasite of salmonids (salmon, trout, and their allies) that causes whirling disease in farmed salmon and trout and also in wild fish populations.

The Mevlevis are also known as the "whirling dervishes" due to their famous practice of whirling as a form of dhikr (remembrance of God).

ঘুরণ এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

মনুকোপা হায়াতেরগাঁও মাদবপুর বড়তলা বেতসান্দি সালামপুর ছনখাড়িগাঁও আলমনগর ঘুরণ বাঘমতপুর কৃপাখালী ফরহাদপুর মুন্সিরগাঁও শেখেরগাঁও কামালপুর টেককামালপুর রামধানা।

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