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ঘোর ঘোর Meaning in English

/adjective/ darkish; /noun/ darkishness; duskiness; /প্রতিশব্দ/ কালচে; ঘোর-ঘোর;

ঘোর-ঘোর এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

The apex and termen are darkish.

The forewings are darkish grey brown with a pale, straight submarginal line.

side-neck and upper shoulders, and is a small bird, medium-brownish to darkish gray, with a white breast with large vertical black streakings.

spacecraft, this caldera is quite prominent with its dark reddish floor with a darkish halo around the caldera.

It lies just north of the pools and, at low tide, a darkish blur marks it.

variable, some individuals being very light in colour, others very dark, darkish-brown, or dark grey.

Its carapace is normally darkish brown and the walking legs and chelipeds more reddish brown.

It is darkish in coloration with a white chin, and adult males have a blue scrotum.

Mature larvae vary in colour from greenish yellow to darkish brown marked with darker lines and paler stripes.

The adult female is slate-grey above with darkish wingtips.

The forewings are darkish-grey and the hindwings are grey.

trumpets and solo organ; in the Theresienmesse the mellow glow and at times darkish hues of the B-flat instruments.

Saint-Hilaire, 1817) Pacific and Atlantic bonito meat has a firm texture and a darkish color.

as other Turkmen postage stamps with Scout motifs and showing a heavy, darkish colored fleur-de-lis.

Physically, she is described as "a slim, darkish humanoid, with long waves of black hair, a full mouth, an odd little knob.

The hindwings are darkish grey.

The forewings are very pale ochreous, with the neuration prominently darkish brown, and a brownish subapical cloud, as well as a darker cloud below.

5 in) in total length) and have mottled coloration varying from darkish purple to light yellow.

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