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চকমকে Meaning in English

/adjective/ Lustrous ; glittering.

চকমকে এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

A black or dark brown, lustrous secondary mineral, it is formed by the weathering or hydrothermal alteration.

crepe style S- and Z- twist weave makes the fabric springier and less lustrous than the closely related chiffon.

Neolithic finds included a long, denticulated, lustrous blade.

Brilliantine has a lustrous finish and is known for its dust-shedding properties; it was available.

eye and the related blue-coloured mineral hawk's eye gain their silky, lustrous appearance from the parallel intergrowth of quartz crystals and altered.

More modern swivels can be obtained in lustrous red and blue varieties.

widely cultivated in the Philippines since the 17th century for weaving lustrous lace-like luxury textiles known as nipis fabric.

type of fabric weave that produces a characteristically glossy, smooth or lustrous material, typically with a glossy top surface and a dull back.

Beetling is the pounding of linen or cotton fabric to give a flat, lustrous effect.

sheep, developed specifically to produce the heaviest, longest and most lustrous fleece of any breed in the world.

heavier and lighter yarns created a brocade-like surface decoration and lustrous finish.

soft, floating fabrics, particularly tulle and chiffon, and with plain, lustrous silks".

Chiffon is smoother and more lustrous than the similar fabric georgette.

Lycaena cuprea, the lustrous copper, is a butterfly of the family Lycaenidae.

চকমকে এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

এটি চকমকে পাথরের দ্বারা কিলোক গঠন করে কাজ করে।

পাপিয়া (Chrysococcyx flavigularis) ক্লসের পাপিয়া (Chrysococcyx klaas) চকমকে তামাপাপিয়া (Chrysococcyx lucidus) ধলাকান তামাপাপিয়া (Chrysococcyx meyeri)।

"দেশাত্মবোধক গান"- এর রোমানীয় অনূদিত রূপ; গানটি Ach'imŭn pinnara বা "আসুক সকাল চকমকে" অথবা বিকল্পভাবে "একটি দেশভক্তির গান" হিসাবেও পরিচিত।

সে প্রতিদিন তার বাড়ি ফেরবার পথে চকমকে ঢাকা শহরের দিকে তাকিয়ে থাকে।

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