জামা কাপড়ের দোকান Meaning in English
/noun/ clothing store; /প্রতিশব্দ/ জামা-কাপড়ের দোকান;
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
জামা কাপড়জামা কাপড়ের দোকান
জামা কাপড়
জাম হয়ে যাওয়া
জাম রুল
জাহির করা
জাহান্নমে যাওয়া
জাহান্নমে যাও
জাহান্নমে দেওয়া
জামা-কাপড়ের-দোকান এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
Red Dress Boutique is a women's clothing store located in Athens, Georgia which also sells retail online.
Heer bought the clothing store from the Booker estate.
The Redneck Shop was a white nationalist and neo-Nazi clothing store in Laurens, South Carolina, which sold T-shirts, bumper stickers, and Ku Klux Klan.
block in 1967, and closed in 1975 (giving way to another counterculture clothing store, Trash and Vaudeville, which catered to punk fashions for 41 years at.
it replaced a five-story structure that was home to the Rogers Peet clothing store between 1863 and 1898, when the original structure burned down.
She is also the CEO of the online clothing store 301호 고양이.
was a South Texas-based boutique, salon, and clothing store, which was built by the late Latin superstar, Selena.
to Harry Booker for his clothing store and the Bevering Cigar Store.
Woolworth five and dime, and a Bond's clothing store.
The Woolco store was converted in 1983 to a discount clothing store called Winston's.
Victor Clothing Company was a retail clothing store at 242 S.
Swelldom was a large women's clothing store variously described as a "cloak and suit house" and a "department store", operating from 1906 until the 1970s.
com is an online clothing store and former social networking site for goths and Rivetheads.