জারক রস Meaning in English
// digestive fluid; /প্রতিশব্দ/ পাচক-রস;
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
জামিনের যোগ্য
জামিনের টাকা
জামিনের অযোগ্য
জামিনে খালাস করা
জারক-রস এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
The spider then goes on to regurgitate digestive fluid into the shroud, then consuming the pre-digested liquid.
which is used to reach into snail shells, which it sprays with a digestive fluid.
Gastric acid, gastric juice, or stomach acid, is a digestive fluid formed within the stomach lining.
Communications (disambiguation) Chimera (disambiguation) Chyme, human body digestive fluid The Chimes (disambiguation) This disambiguation page lists articles.
Hymenolepis diminuta easily hatched in vitro in the presence of the digestive fluid of its intermediate host Tenebrio molitor (Meal beetle).
a fluid containing an acid and ferment, closely analogous to the digestive fluid of an animal, was certainly a remarkable discovery.
In the liver, bilirubin is dissolved in a digestive fluid called bile and then excreted from the body.
This small bat has been found roosting above the digestive fluid in the pitchers of the carnivorous plant Nepenthes hemsleyana (previously.
Carnivorous plants secrete enzymes into the digestive fluid they produce.
three years on slugs and snails which they inject with a brown, toxic, digestive fluid, delivered by a series of nips and bites.
into the duodenum where they mix with bile from the gallbladder and digestive fluid from the pancreas.
rafflesiana digestive fluid prevent prey escape, whether the fall is ventral.
battery bears, are bears kept in captivity to harvest their bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, which is used.
"The digestive fluid of Drosera indica contains a cysteine endopeptidase ("droserain") similar.
surface plummet to the bottom of the tube, where a combination of digestive fluid, wetting agents and inward-pointing hairs prevent their escape.
beetle and firefly larvae have hollow mandibles, which can inject digestive fluid to liquefy the tissues of the prey.
Bile is a digestive fluid made by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and discharged into duodenum.
জারক-রস এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ
পাকস্থলীর পিছনে থাকা অগ্ন্যাশয় বৃহদাকৃতির অঙ্গ; যা জারক রস এবং বিভিন্ন প্রকার হরমোন ক্ষরণ করে।