নাট্যাভিনয় Meaning in English
/Noun/ Dramatic representation; dramatic performance; theatrical play.
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
নাট্য দূরবীক্ষণ
নাট্য সাহিত্য
নাট্য মঞ্চ
নাট্যাভিনয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
and encapsulated in his book The Theatre in Life (1927), it is a dramatic representation of what passes in an individual mind.
between acts — focussing instead on diction and other elements of dramatic representation, reminiscent of the Keralan Kutiyattam tradition.
to gods were recited or sung, but the dialogues were part of a dramatic representation and discussion of spiritual themes.
the re-presentation of what has been presented repeatedly as a dramatic representation.
episodes]: "Here is a book very unsuitable for dramatic or semi-dramatic representation.
of Jesus leading up to and during the crucifixion Passion Play, dramatic representation of these events Passion Sunday, the second Sunday before Easter.
Gates's house, Randall acted and sang the part of Esther in a dramatic representation of Handel's oratorio Esther.
trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry!" The poem is a dramatic representation of Cromwell addressing his army during the invasion of Ireland.
They disassociated comedy from Greek dramatic representation and instead identified it with Arabic poetic themes and forms,.
"gimmicks" – through feminine costumes, for example, ‘contesting the dramatic representation of machismo’ and successfully unmanning their opponents in the.
The dramatic representation of Hippolyta and Theseus in A Midsummer Night's Dream, however.
to cultural differences, they disassociated comedy from Greek dramatic representation and instead identified it with the Arabic poetic form of hija.
Each story is portrayed in a fabricated and dramatic representation based on mystic and paranormal convictions.
praises to gods recited or sung, but the dialogues are part of a dramatic representation and discussion of spiritual themes.
It is a dramatic representation of the temptation and fall of Adam and Eve, the story of Cain and.