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পোনা মাছ Meaning in English

Kind of fish; trout.

পোনা-মাছ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

or kotleta) a croquette or cutlet-shaped patty made of ground meat a kind of fish cut where the fish is sliced perpendicular to the spine, rather than.

Lampuki is the Maltese name for the dorado or mahi-mahi, a kind of fish that migrates past the Maltese islands during the autumn.

Khagga is said to mean a particular kind of fish; and the name was given to Jalal ud Din by his spiritual teacher on the.

Lawrani (Aymara lawra a kind of fish, -ni a suffix, "the one with the lawra fish", also spelled Laurani) is a 4,024-metre-high (13,202 ft) mountain in.

Lawrani (Aymara lawra a kind of fish, -ni a suffix, "the one with the lawra fish", also spelled Laurani) is a mountain in the Andes of Bolivia which reaches.

This lake has fresh drinking water and teamed with various kind of fish.

After almost 2 years they also started growing a kind of fish called "ghezel-aala" in the lake which is famous for having pink meat.

The Zanata Stone depicts a kind of fish.

Depending on the kind of fish that the fisherman is catching, they might not need waders.

are fresh or dry chilies, garlic, shallots, lime juice and often some kind of fish or shrimp paste.

One can also find the same dish containing fillet of a bigger kind of fish.

Lorestan Province, Iran Mahi River, a river of western India Mahi-mahi, a kind of fish Mahi, an album by Bollywood star Aneela Mahi people, of Benin Mahi (name).

name is the restaurant "Mladica" and got the name because there is the kind of fish Huchen and it is a real trophy to all fishermen.

This kind of fish is known for its defensive traits and is meant to show the defensive.

) *takawʔ kind of fish peixe-cará Geophagus brasiliensis *takiʔ to fly, to leave flying *tan.

Arawana is also an alternative spelling of Arowana, a kind of fish.

Millions of these kind of fish are sold for traditional medicine each year in China and Hong Kong alone.

preference for krill (only 3 out of 19 sampled specimens had consumed any kind of fish).

পোনা-মাছ এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

BdFISH Bangla - বাংলা ভাষায় ফিশারীজ বিষয়ক তথ্য শেয়ারের একটি অনলাইন মঞ্চ FishMarket Bangladesh - বাংলাদেশের ফিশারীজ পোনা মাছ সাফলাই কারি অনলাইন স্টোর।

African catfish / North African catfish Clarias gariepinus introduced পোনা মাছ Crossocheilus latius স্থানীয় মলা পুঁটি Glass-barb Puntius guganio স্থানীয়।

" উদাহরণস্বরুপ, একটি কার্প (পোনা মাছ) এবং একটি ব্যাঙয়ের, কাছিম, মুরগী, ইঁদুর এবং ঘোড়ার সাইটোক্রোম সি এর পার্থক্য।

প্রথমে প্রস্তুতকৃত খাঁচায় পোনা মাছ মজুদ করতে হবে।

পানি কম হওয়ার কারণে সূর্যের তাপে পানি গরম হয়ে দেশীয় প্রজাতিসহ সব ধরনের পোনা মাছ বিনষ্ট হয়।

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