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পোস্ত দানা Meaning in English

/noun/ poppy seeds; poppy; poppy seed; mawseed; /প্রতিশব্দ/ পোস্তদানা; ঢেঁড়ির গাছ; ঢেঁড়ি; আফিমফল;

পোস্ত-দানা এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Like poppy seeds, poppyseed oil.

It is the species of plant from which both opium and poppy seeds are derived and is also a valuable ornamental plant, grown in gardens.

It is made of puff pastry and four fillings: nuts, fresh cheese, poppy seeds and apples, as well as of many additional ingredients.

grown poppy seeds.

Some sprinkle the roll with poppy seeds or powdered sugar on top and can be baked in a circular pan or long-ways.

filled with spiced plum jam and served with melted butter and a mix of poppy seeds and sugar on top.

As many poppy seeds as remained on the ceiling, each hen should lay as many eggs in the coming.

The main ingredients are sweet white bread and finely ground poppy seeds boiled in milk with butter.

dough and common flavors include quark (tvaroh) spread, fruit jam, and poppy seeds mixed with powidl (povidla).

edible oil from poppy seeds (specifically seeds of Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy).

It contains poppy seeds, walnuts, apples, raisins and quark fillings.

essential ingredient to enhance the authenticity of the dish is white poppy seeds, used extensively in Malabar cuisine while making biryani and meat stews.

with diced onions and other ingredients, possibly including garlic, poppy seeds, or bread crumbs.

It takes about 3,300 poppy seeds to make.

Poppy seeds are less than a millimeter in length, and minute: it takes 3,300 poppy seeds to make up a gram, and a pound.

Fillings commonly have as their main ingredient ground walnuts or poppy seeds.

The poppy seed filling may contain ground poppy seeds, raisins, butter or milk, sugar or honey, rum and vanilla.

They are small, slightly sweet pastries made from leavened dough and poppy seeds.

jaggery, coconut shavings and garnished with sesame seeds, peanuts and poppy seeds, hence the name.

included other ingredients such as ham, mushrooms, other kinds of cheese, poppy seeds, etc.

curry prepared in Goa, India, with complex spicing, including white poppy seeds, sliced or grated coconut and large dried red chilies.

পোস্ত-দানা এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

তারও উপরে থাকে চিনি মাখানো পোস্ত দানা

পোস্ত দানা প্রতি ১০০ গ্রাম (৩.৫ আউন্স) পুষ্টিগত মান শক্তি ২,১৯৬ কিজু (৫২৫ kcal) শর্করা 28.13 g খাদ্যে ফাইবার 19.5 g স্নেহ পদার্থ 41.56 g সুসিক্ত স্নেহ।

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