প্রকাশিত হত্তয়া Meaning in English
/verb/ be discovered; come out; transpire; appear; turn up; break; figure; evolve; /প্রতিশব্দ/ আবিষ্কৃত হত্তয়া; নিষ্ক্রমণ করা; বাষ্পাকারে নির্গত করা; আসা; উপরমুখ করা; ভাঙ্গা; রুপায়িত করা; বিবর্ধন করা;
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
প্রকাশিত হওয়াপ্রকাশিত হওয়া
প্রকাশিত করা
প্রকাশক সংঘ
প্রকাশ নিবন্ধক
প্রকাশ ভঙ্গি
প্রকাশ পাওয়া
প্রকাশ করা
প্রকাশিত-হত্তয়া এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
Baden Powell, once said, "The spirit is there in every boy; it has to be discovered and brought to light.
The first such planets to be discovered were around a millisecond pulsar and were the first extrasolar planets.
It was the first X-ray pulsar to be discovered, and the third X-ray source to be discovered in the constellation Centaurus.
It is notable as the first exoplanet to be discovered with an orbit and mass similar to that of Jupiter (essentially, a "Jupiter.
beginning of a new era in cometary astronomy, as it was the first to be discovered by photography.
AC-42 was the first selective M1 agonist to be discovered and its derivatives have been used to study the binding domain of the.
Hug and Graham Bell and is thought to be the first periodic comet to be discovered by amateurs.
norbinaltorphimine (nor-BNI) were the first highly selective KOR antagonists to be discovered.
order Diptera, with more than 8,200 known species and many more to be discovered.
It was the fourth moon of Pluto to be discovered and its existence was announced on 20 July 2011.
known as benodaine, is a drug which was the first antihistamine to be discovered.
around Jupiter among known moons and was the fifth moon of Jupiter to be discovered, so it is also known as Jupiter V.
to name a group of asteroids after the first member of that group to be discovered, which is often the largest.
Fermilab in 1977, and was the first particle containing a bottom quark to be discovered because it is the lightest that can be produced without additional massive.
This was the first comet to be discovered using an automated system.
The first hot Neptune to be discovered with certainty was Gliese 436 b in 2007, an exoplanet about 33 light.
It was the second moon of Neptune to be discovered, by Gerard Kuiper in 1949.
The first virus to be discovered, tobacco mosaic virus, belongs to the kingdom.
It is the first turtle to be discovered in South American continental deposits of that age, and shows a unique.
eighth-century Vajrayana masters Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal, to be discovered at auspicious times by treasure revealers known as tertöns.