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প্রণয়সম্ভাষণ Meaning in English

/Noun/ Courtship ; wooing ; amatory conversation

প্রণয়সম্ভাষণ এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

displays, courtship rituals or feeding methods.

In some species, these feathers have developed into long showy plumes used in visual courtship displays.

Each bout of courtship begins with both the male and.

Hall spent his career examining the neurological component of fly courtship and behavioral rhythms.

The final courtship phase includes 5-8 bouts of courtship.

Plethodontids exhibit highly stereotyped and complex mating behaviors and courtship rituals that are not present in any other salamander family.

A courtship display is a set of display behaviors in which an animal, usually a male, attempts to attract a mate; the mate exercises choice, so sexual.

"tail" or "train" of covert feathers, which they display as part of a courtship ritual.

The courtship behavior of Drosophila melanogaster has also been assessed for sex-related genes, which have been implicated in courtship behavior.

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