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মেশামেশি Meaning in English

/Noun/ Free mixing; perfect union:-/adjective/ mixed up; united.

মেশামেশি এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


মেশামেশি এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

respect of the people of East Pakistan by his personal behaviour and free mixing with all classes of people.

protesters should stick to during protests, including the avoidance of free mixing between men and women in protest sites.

characters may be painted over the graphics area, thus enabling the free mixing of graphics and text.

"Senezh" is another optional command post for a free mixing of any systems.

The free mixing between the various groups of people was encouraged by the colonials.

individual's freedom of expression, anti-social activities, adultery, free mixing of males and females and candle-lighting.

There were prolonged denunciations of nationalism, communism, the West, free mixing of the sexes, observing birthdays, even Mother's Day Khalid, Ahmad Ali.

gender relations, Saudi Arabia's norms usually discourage non-familial free mixing between the sexes.

issued because the show carried a number of serious issues including "free mixing of the sexes," "the wanton display and unveiling on the part of the women.

accepted theory for the origin of this unusual density of species is the free mixing of species from both North and South America occurring on this "inter-oceanic".

The milk powder was made from fresh milk to guarantee instant lump-free mixing when in contact with water.

and "to imply that Sikh identity was always predominantly fluid, with free mixing of Sikh and Hindu practices," is questionable.

There have been fatwas which forbid free mixing between men and women (known as Ikhtilat), when alone.

considered to be inappropriate for children, such as drunkenness and free mixing of races.

মেশামেশি এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

মানবিক ও প্রাকৃতিক বিষয়, প্রসঙ্গ, আবহ, অতীত আর বর্তমানের সঙ্গে এমনভাবে মেশামেশি হয়ে রয়েছে যে এর পুরো ব্যাপারটা যতখানি-না বুদ্ধি দিয়ে বিশ্লেষণ করে বুঝবার।

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