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যোগ্য Meaning in English

/adjective/ worthy; condign; good for; qualified; fit; able; capable; pointful; pat; right; deserved; efficient; good; compatible; quotable; /প্রতিশব্দ/ যোগ্য; সমমূল্যের; আগ্রহী; গুণসম্পন্ন; মানানসই; সক্ষম; সমর্থ; যুক্তিযুক্ত; ন্যায়সঙ্গত; ডান; উপযুক্ত; দক্ষ;

যোগ্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Notability is the property of being worthy of notice, having fame, or being considered to be of a high degree of interest, significance, or distinction.

100 Movie Quotes: "Schwing!" – Nominated "We're not worthy.

Theravada Buddhism he is considered the disciple who was foremost in being "worthy of gifts" (Pali: dakkhiṇeyyānaṃ) and "living remote and in peace" (Pali:.

interpret if it was the will of the gods for a public official to be deemed worthy to assume office.

We're not worthy.

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