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যোগসাজশে Meaning in English

/adverb/ In collusion with; in unison with.

যোগসাজশে এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

non-Muslims, particularly the Western world and "false Muslims", allegedly in collusion with political actors in the Western world.

Orthodox Christian (normally called Catholic in that era) hierarchy were in collusion with the representatives of the Eastern Roman or Byzantine emperor, who.

Chalkokondyles claims that he was assassinated by his stepbrother Mircea I in collusion with a boyar party.

confrontations between right-wing groups such as the Freikorps (sometimes in collusion with the state), and socialist organisations such as the Communist Party.

loyalist paramilitaries from the Ulster Defence Association, acting in collusion with British security services.

This includes murder by a person other than, and not in collusion with, the beneficiary of the insurance policy, and most accidental deaths.

The Pakistan Army, in collusion with religious extremist militias (the Razakars, Al-Badr and Al-Shams).

another masked crime lord called the Crime Master arises, working in collusion with the Green Goblin, Foswell again begins wearing a mask - an eyepatched.

instigated by her mother-in-law, 70-year-old Bachan Kaur Athwal, in collusion with Surjit's husband, Sukhdave Singh Athwal.

The government alleged the trio to have been acting in collusion with the Libyan government of Muammar al-Gaddafi.

Human rights groups suspect that these acts are often carried out in collusion with the security forces and sometimes involve the Committees for the Defence.

four terrorists of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in collusion with the R.

Nationale, she became involved in a plot to bomb the Statue of Liberty in collusion with the Black Liberation Front, a militant Black Power group based in.

In March 799, Akameros, in collusion with troops from the local theme of Hellas, planned to seize them and declare.

Social Democratic and Labour Party claimed that the group was involved in collusion with the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) and that the two groups even conducted.

As Phelps Dodge, in collusion with the sheriff, had closed down access to outside communications, it.

The transfer of gold in return for currency took place in collusion with many individual collaborative institutions.

in southern Xinjiang started a separate rebellion for independence in collusion with Kirghiz rebels.

its land to be misappropriated by politicians and board members, in collusion with the real estate mafia for a fraction of its market value.

bank (fairly, he claims) and was immediately rumored to have been in collusion with the bag-holder; such collusion presumably was common.

যোগসাজশে এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

ব্যাংক কর্মকর্তাদের যোগসাজশে হলমার্ক গ্রুপের এমডি তানভির মাহমুদ সোনালী ব্যাংকের হোটেল রূপসী বাংলা (সাবেক।

সরকারের শীর্ষস্থানের লোকের যোগসাজশে পুলিশের চাকরি, যেমন থানার ওসির পদ পেতে ৫ কোটি টাকা পর্যন্ত নেয়া হয় বলেও।

অনুমান করতে পারি যে মুহাম্মদের সময়ে হেজাজের বাসিন্দারা ইহুদিদের সাথে যোগসাজশে কমপক্ষে ইনাকের তৃতীয় পুস্তকের কিছু অংশের পাঠ্য জানত।

ঘটতে থাকে পরবর্তী কয়েক শতাব্দী জুড়ে এবং যুদ্ধে প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী শক্তির যোগসাজশে পরিণত হয়।

খাজা সেলিমের যোগসাজশে, নেতৃত্বের জনপ্রিয়তা ও মিথ্যা অপপ্রচারে তার জীবন বিষিয়ে তোলে।

আদালতে কারাদণ্ডাদেশ পেয়ে জেলে নেয়ার পথে পুলিশের যোগসাজশে কুদ্দুস ও আয়না বদলাবদলি করে; আয়না জেলে চলে যায় আর কুদ্দুস পার্টি করে।

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