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রস আস্বাদন করা Meaning in English

Have a taste of; savor.

রস-আস্বাদন-করা এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

the region to have a taste of the food.

American rapper Cardi B, during her visit to Nigeria, told her host she desired to have a taste of Nigerian jollof.

seat on a high mound overlooking his whole field invites the King to have a taste of the fresh produce of his field.

of your childhood, unless your childhood sucked, then we'll let you have a taste of ours.

her to sue him, but Bo hires Keung to deceive Kei Kei and let her have a taste of her medicine.

"Baby Felline to have a taste of the Tour de France".

Willow is beginning to have a taste of her real power and she likes it.

highly popular, with many overseas guests come to the hotel, mainly to have a taste of traditional Chinese culture.

at Temple Street night market, Chinese opera singing, and just to have a taste of the abundant cultural atmosphere.

the pomfret cakes, and the conserve of hips, and on Sundays he shall have a taste of tamarinds to reward him for his weekly labour at pill making.

Jacinta tells Kyle that she can only have a taste of each dish, as she is judging multiple places in a day, but she admits.

for selected players, identified as the best in their regions, to have a taste of the game at its highest level.

Arabic schools (Modrassah)in the City and many Iwo indigenes usually have a taste of this along with the secular schools.

a vessel for alcohol, while dipping the other hand into the cup to have a taste of the drink.

"Philadelphia students have a taste of India".

"ESA's new astronauts have a taste of zero gravity".

proverbial: The complete phrase is said to have been "You too, my son, will have a taste of power", of which Caesar only needed to invoke the opening words to.

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