রসাঞ্জন Meaning in English
/Noun/ Stibnite; stibium; antimony.
রসাঞ্জন এর ইংরেজি অর্থ
(1) vitriol of copper or a sort of collyrium prepared from it with the addition of curcuma or from the calx of brass with amomum xanhorrhiza or from lead ore.
(2) antimony; stibnite.
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
রসাঞ্জন এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
It is unique in that there is a large deposit of stibnite (Sb2S3) in a layer of Devonian limestone.
kajal or kajol is an ancient eye cosmetic, traditionally made by grinding stibnite (Sb2S3) for similar purposes to charcoal used in mascara.
Because of its appearance it is often mistaken for stibnite.
[citation needed] Gold, copper, stibnite and tungsten are mined in the area.
cinnabar in mercury deposits and is associated with native mercury, wurtzite, stibnite, marcasite, realgar, calcite, barite, chalcedony and hydrocarbons.
Associated minerals include stibnite, realgar, orpiment, cinnabar, vrbaite, greigite, marcasite, pyrite, tetrahedrite.
occurs in low-temperature hydrothermal veins associated with cinnabar, stibnite, sulfur and gypsum.
lustrous gray metalloid, it is found in nature mainly as the sulfide mineral stibnite (Sb2S3).
Valentinite occurs as a weathering product of stibnite and other antimony minerals.
In geology, the mineral stibnite, Sb2S3, is sometimes called antimonite.
as a secondary alteration product of antimony bearing minerals, mainly stibnite.
It occurs associated with stibnite, sphalerite, baryte, fluorite, siderite, cassiterite, arsenopyrite, stannite.
It can also form large prismatic crystals similar to stibnite with which it can be associated.
Kermesite is the result of partial oxidation between stibnite (Sb2S3) and other antimony oxides such as valentinite (Sb2O3) or stibiconite.
Formed by distilling roasted stibnite with corrosive sublimate, or dissolving stibnite in hot concentrated hydrochloric acid and distilling.
Antimony trisulfide (Sb2S3) is found in nature as the crystalline mineral stibnite and the amorphous red mineral (actually a mineraloid) metastibnite.
রসাঞ্জন এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ
পেটে-যন্ত্রণায়: ৩/৪ গ্রাম কাঁটা নটের মূল এবং এক গ্রাম রসাঞ্জন।