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রূপায়িত Meaning in English

// materialized; /প্রতিশব্দ/

রূপায়িত এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


embodied; materialized; represented; shaped; narrated; depicted; portrayed; delineated; impersonated.

রূপায়িত করা =.

রূপায়িত হওয়া (verb intransitive) materialize; take a shape; be embodied/ represented/ depicted.

রূপায়িত এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Perry, Miss Teen USA winners that had been crowned, something that never materialized.

feature the Gaines persona in The Lamb, a motion picture that never materialized.

However, the plan could not be materialized.

theoretical advantages of IPI over SCSI were often not realized, as they only materialized when several disks were connected to the interface, which could then.

transatlantic telesculpture, sent by Stewart DICKSON via the Internet and materialized in Paris.

requirements for membership in the National Progressive Front, but this has not materialized.

In computing, a materialized view is a database object that contains the results of a query.

After plans never materialized, the Kohler Company purchased the site.

That deal never materialized, instead, each store was sold individually to a variety of people and.

similar products for the Nintendo DS and Wii platforms, though neither materialized.

However, the plan never materialized.

big boxes, an additional department store and new restaurants never materialized.

Under UDAN scheme scheduled flights were to start but this has not materialized .

During the séance a spirit face materialized which Home claimed was the son of Browning who had died in infancy.

previous Wright design for a cooperative in Detroit, Michigan, which never materialized due to the onset of World War II.

by locks from being materialized; it can be also defined as the graph of non-materialized conflicts; conflicts not materialized are not reflected in.

However, such plans has not materialized.

The accuracy of a materialized view depends on the frequency of trigger mechanisms behind its updates.

pertain to alignment groups that are widespread in the Maya area and materialized mostly in other types of buildings, recording different agriculturally.

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