লুটাপুটি Meaning in English
/Noun/ Rolling about; wallowing; sprawling.
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
লুটতরাজ করা
লুক্কায়িত হওয়া
লুক্কায়িত থাকা
লুক্কায়িত করা
লুক্কায়িত হওয়া
লুক্কায়িত থাকা
লুক্কায়িত করা
লুকোচুরি খেলা
লুটাপুটি এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
the goddess Varuni became (manifest), Her eyes were rolling about due to intoxication.
invited and honored guests the indelicacy of witnessing a severed head rolling about, or towards them; such an occurrence would have been considered inelegant.
contemporary catalogue description, the man's attempt to undress ends with him rolling about on the floor and on the bed, and finally collapsing in an epileptic.
forearm strength, the overhand grip may result in the bar potentially rolling about.
They both love to run about the farm, rolling about in the mud and jumping over puddles.
[citation needed] In many major cities, pedicabs can be found rolling about city centers, nightlife districts, park lands, sports stadia, and tourist-heavy.
The party not only managed to see the lion and tiger rolling about in their battle, after going through bushes, but also the man who fell.
the levels, the player's camera can be damaged by mechanical bolts rolling about on the ground, however the character can take a picture of it to dispose.
sea, and he could not take astronomical observations with the vessel rolling about.
reached the desert, where Betsy gave out, And down in the sand she lay rolling about.
USS Santa Fe (CL-60) rolling about 35 degrees to starboard as she rides out a typhoon.
Eingana was rolling about, every way on the ground.
Some definitions include rolling about in dust, however, in ethology this is usually referred to as dust bathing.
idle loafers who hoard the gold only to spend it on riotous living are rolling about in fine carriages from which they look out on peaceful meetings and.
Eventually Oceanos was rolling about from side to side so badly that crockery and cutlery began sliding off.
monster: rent with bitter pangs, lay drawing great gasps for breath and rolling about that place.
Long immersion and rolling about on the ocean floor had made the mine harmless.