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লুপ্তজ্ঞান Meaning in English

/adjective/ Senseless; unconscious; insensible.

লুপ্তজ্ঞান এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Particularly striking is the line "Didst close my tongue in senseless clay", which seems to imply that the authority of the artist's voice in.

also mention it; Charaka referred to making a woman with a miscarriage senseless to pain by administering alcoholic drinks like surā, sīdhu, ariṣṭa, madhu.

The specific anaethetus means "senseless, stupid".

The phrase "practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty" was written by Anne Herbert on a placemat in Sausalito.

winnings, or good luck is on their side, and thus it seems especially senseless to stop.

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