লেপিত Meaning in English
/adjective/ Plastered; smeared; anointed.
এমন আরো কিছু শব্দ
লেপা পোঁছালেপা
লেপন করা
লেপ দেওয়া
লেন্সের অক্ষ
লেনদেন করা
লেন দেন
লেদ মেশিন
লেপিত এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ
marked 1576 Holzgasse 6 – timber-frame house, plastered, early 17th century Kirchstraße 18 – Classicist plastered building, earlier half of the 19th century.
with timber-frame houses from the 16th to 19th century, a few brick and plastered buildings from the 18th to early 20th century including the Old Town Hall.
Nishkramana, a square area in the courtyard from where sun can be seen is plastered with cow dung and clay and the sign of svastika is marked on it.
– three-floor Gothic Revival plastered building, about 1900 Balduinstraße 105 – three-floor Late Historicist plastered building, Romanesque Revival and.
building with half-hipped roof, timber framing plastered, 17th century Burgplatz 1 – three-floor plastered building, 19th century, part of the town wall.
Auf dem Bach 1 – timber-frame house, partly solid, plastered, mansard roof, late 18th or.
(plastered), conversion 1839, architect Peter Engelmann; cellar possibly older Alte Poststraße 8 – Late Baroque house, partly timber-frame (plastered or.
Rectangular houses with plastered floors show striking similarities to those at Byblos.
timber-frame house, partly solid, plastered, 18th or 19th century.
kiss curl describes a lock of hair curling onto the face and usually plastered down.
The New Hall contains the remains (plastered walls, plastered material depot etc.
The plastered interior features limited use of Portland stone.
Baroque Revival plastered building, 1914–1916, side wings 1928 Grebelgasse 4 – three-floor timber-frame house, partly solid, plastered, hipped roof, marked.
The timber framed building has a plastered exterior.
partly solid, plastered, mansard roof, 18th century (?) St.
councillor NN Ravenestraße 41 – plastered building, partly timber-frame, early 20th century Ravenestraße 43 – three-floor plastered building, Renaissance Revival.
timber-frame house, plastered, early 19th century; plastered building with Renaissance tower, from 1584; so-called Sälchen (“Little Room”), plastered building,.
Like the Great Mosque in Demak, Chinese ceramics are embedded into the plastered walls.
remains were found that included houses and two plastered skulls.
-Castor-Straße 86 – Schlosshotel Petri; two- to three-floor L-shaped plastered building, essentially.
লেপিত এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ
একটি অপ্রত্যহকৃত নিয়মটি হলো, শীতক হিসাবে দিনে দুবার মূর্তি তিনটিকে চন্দন লেপিত করা হয়৷ ঠিক এরকমই গুণ্ডিচা দেবীর জন্য প্রত্যহ করা হয়ে থাকে৷ ঐ মন্দিরে।