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লোভদেখান Meaning in English

/verb/ allure; bait; /প্রতিশব্দ/ প্রলুব্ধ করা; উত্ত্যক্ত করা;

লোভদেখান এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

to organise events under his Audax regulations, and ACP created its own allure libre (free-paced) version of the sport, where successful riders were awarded.

"patrol path"; French pronunciation: ​[ʃəmɛ̃ də ʁɔ̃d]), also called an allure, alure or, more prosaically, a wall-walk, is a raised protected walkway.

of a model with the emphasis on the model and the model's sexuality and allure; with any clothing, fashion, products or environment contained in the image.

as the Magic Girdle of Aphrodite as an allegory for the power of women's allure, it is based on the mythological girdle obtained by Heracles from Hippolyte.

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