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শৈশব Meaning in English

/Noun/ Infancy; childhood.

শৈশব এর ইংরেজি অর্থ


Childhood; infancy; babyhood; pupilage; period under age (ie under sixteen); babyhood; childhood days.

শৈশবকাল =.

শৈশবকালীন (adjective) of infancy/ childhood days.

শৈশব কালোচিত (adjective) proper for infancy/ childhood; babyish; childish; child-like.

শৈশবলীলা (noun) childhood activities.

শৈশব সঙ্গী (noun) companion/ friend of one’s childhood.

শৈশব স্মৃতি (noun) memories/ reminiscence(s) of one’s childhood.

শৈশবাবধি (adjective) from childhood.

শৈশবাবস্থা =.

শৈশব এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

Dravet syndrome, previously known as severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI), is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder which causes a catastrophic.

Liturgical feasts relating to Christ's infancy and the Christ Child include:.

The Syriac Infancy Gospel, also known as the Arabic Infancy Gospel, is a New Testament apocryphal writing concerning the infancy of Jesus.

Fibromatosis colli (also known as sternomastoid tumor of infancy) is a benign proliferation of fibrous tissue infiltrating the lower third of the sternocleidomastoid.

emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.

the years between Jesus' infancy and the Finding in the Temple when he was 12.

an emerging subgenre of science fiction that is still very much in its infancy in comparison to its ancestor-genre, cyberpunk, and some of its other derivatives.

These disorders are usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence, as laid out in the DSM-IV-TR and in the ICD-10.

The Gospel of James (or the Protoevangelium of James) is a 2nd-century infancy gospel telling of the miraculous conception of the Virgin Mary, her upbringing.

mother of Jesus, is told for the first time in the 2nd century apocryphal infancy-gospel the Gospel of James (also called Protoevangelium of James).

As a legal term, infancy is more like being a minor, and continues until a person reaches 18 years.

The infancy gospel is part of the Matthean Prologue in 1:1-4,16.

In legal terms, it is referred to as a defence/defense of infancy, which is a form of defense known as an excuse so that defendants falling.

শৈশব এর বাংলা ব্যাবহার ও উদাহরণ

তাঁর শৈশব ও কৈশোর কেটেছে পাবনায় নানার বাড়িতে।

আবদুল্লাহ আল-বাত্তালের শৈশব বা প্রথম জীবন নিয়ে কিছু জানা যায় না।

শৈশব থেকেই তার মধ্যে দেশপ্রেমের উন্মেষ ঘটে ৷ মাত্র ১৩ বছর বয়সে তিনি জমিদার মহাজনদের।

পিতার বিলাত প্রবাসকালে জোড়াসাঁকো ঠাকুরবাড়িতে তার শৈশব কাটে।

কিন্তু তার শৈশব অতিবাহিত হয়েছিল তিনসুকীয়ায়।

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