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শোধ্য Meaning in English

/adjective/ Corrigible; to be or reformed; payable.

শোধ্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

 শোধ

শোধ্য এর ইংরেজি অর্থের উদাহরণ

springboard, intuitionists seek to reconstruct what they consider to be the corrigible portion of mathematics in accordance with Kantian concepts of being, becoming.

has repeatedly made clear that "transcendental realism is fallible, as corrigible as the outcome of any other piece of human argument".

concepts as those whose "conditions of application are emendable and corrigible" (1956, p.

it sterile with idleness or manured with industry, why the power and corrigible authority of this lies in our wills.

correctress, corregidor, corregimiento, corrigendum, corrigent, corrigibility, corrigible, counterinsurgency, counterinsurgent, derail, derailleur, derailment.

The Great Pensions Swindle (1970) Charge (London, Temple Smith, 1977) Corrigible Capitalism, Incorrigible Socialism (1980) Wither the Welfare State (1981).

corridor, from Italian corridore corrigible corrode corrosion corrosive corrupt, Old Fr.

representation and uncertain reasoning: the relationships between fallibility, corrigible belief and logical consequence; the roles that consistency, statistical.

interventions take, they may be considered coercive "when they are socially corrigible influences over action that diminish an agent's freedom overall".

Incorrigible Corrigible Rare.

contested concepts" precisely denotes those "essentially questionable and corrigible concepts" which "are permanently and essentially subject to revision and.

has been suggested that this is due to the extreme right being seen as corrigible (fighting for attainable, tangible goals that can be negotiated) while.

such a heap of deformaties that no Judicious Architect will think it corrigible by any Expense that can be laid out upon new dressing it.

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